Free Download Host File Editor 1.5.5 Portable Version
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Free - Host File Editor file adalah software untuk mengedit file host pada windows guna untuk blocking website atau daftar nama komputer dan alamat IP yang terkait. File host digunakan oleh Microsoft Windows dan sistem operasi jaringan lainnya sebagai sarana opsional untuk mengalihkan lalu lintas TCP / IP dalam keadaan khusus. File-file ini tidak diharuskan menggunakan aplikasi jaringan dan internet biasa. File hosts dirancang untuk diedit oleh administrator komputer, pengguna berpengetahuan atau program skrip otomatis.
Fitur Hosts File Editor Portable version Free:
- Add new host ( IP Address and Hostname )
- Delete host
- Save changes
- Change Read-only status (hosts file)
- Backup hosts file
- Restore hosts file from a backup
- Create new hosts file ( If the hosts file does not exist – C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/ )
- Import file (.txt)
- Export hosts file
- Add blank row
- Add comment (#)
- Properties (hosts file)
- Search items
- Replace IP ( —> ; —> and custom )
- Edit selected comment (#) – (to enable double-click on the item …)
- Delete duplicates items
- Comment selected
- Delete blank rows
- Delete comment lines
- Enabled / Disabled hosts file
- Enabled / Disabled DNS Client Service
- Block popular websites ( Facebook, Youtube, Twitter…)
- Block Microsoft, Telemetry, Adobe…
- Reset the hosts file back to the default (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012)
- Download and install update list (.txt)
- Update hosts file ( install update and uninstall update )
Note: Untuk ScreenShoot Bisa anda lihat image diatas.
File Info:
- Name: Host File Editor
- Version: 1.5.5 (Portable)
- For OS: Windows 7/8/10 (all version windows) and windows only.
- File Size: 2 MB
- Uploader By : Gudang Download
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